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Chapter 1


The cool stone floor under Leto's feet helped with the scorching heat from the midday sun upon the city. She was on her way towards the temple gardens for a much-needed rest from her other duties. The temple was for the worship of Dione, the great Goddess of the earth and rebirth. The priestesses of Dione worked closely with the cycle of life, birth and death. They are responsible for numerous important matters in the everyday life of the citizen of Ammeris. One of which is the ritual of rebirth, or in other words funerals. The rebirthing ritual required someone with a strong connection to the Goddess, that is why a high priestess is needed to carry out the rite. There's where Leto comes in. Her link to Dione is famously known to be the strongest one. Some even speculate that Leto might be the mortal daughter of the Goddess herself. If you'd ask her father though, he'd only laugh, saying his daughter is a true child of Litos, the war God themself. 


Leto chuckled softly at the memory of her Father walking around and declaring that his daughter would be the next best thing since Litos. Quite the bold statement. But it wasn't like anyone could argue, he was the leader of Ammeris after all. As Leto reached the garden the smell of blooming flowers and ripe fruit became almost overwhelming. The sight of the richly coloured flora and the singing of birds made her instantly more relaxed. This was one of Leto's favourite places in the whole city, that and the sparring grounds at home. She picked up the water pitcher near the floor and walked to the middle of the grounds. A statue depicting the great Mother Dione stood among the cluster of plants. Leto smiled up at her and murmured a soft prayer of gratitude to her as she poured the water amid the earth, making sure it spread evenly. Afterwards, she sat down at the stone seating, closed her eyes and let the sun shining from the open roof warm her face. 


Being a Priestess of Dione was fulfilling but it didn't come without its difficulties. Sure, she got to spend her time at this astounding temple and help people but it that also come with great reasonability. A lot of people counted on her.


"Leto!" an unusual energetic voice called her out. Leto looked up and found her friend jogging up to her, making his priest attire and body jewellery sway with the movement. His name was Eos, also known as Leto's closest friend. He was also one of the few male priests at the temple. The reason for the low number of male devotees at Dione's temple was because most men choose to dedicate their life to Lito. Not very surprising considering the Ammeris were a warrior clan. Yet, not everybody, including Leto, is attracted to that lifestyle. 


Eos tall body cast a shadow over Leto as he approached, which was nice after having been sitting in the hot sun. "I thought I'd find you here," he chuckled with his husky voice and took a seat next to her, his shadow still casting over her. 


Leto smirked slightly at him, "And I see you're still running around the halls when you're not supposed to." At this Eos tensed up a bit.


"Ah, you're not going to tell the head priestess are you?" he asked and scratched his cheek in embarrassment. Leto nudged him playfully. 


"What kind of friend would I be if I did?" 


Eos only chuckled and put his hands neatly on top of his lap, an old habit of his.


"So, how has your day been so far?" he asked with his usual soft smile. 


"Better now that you're here," Leto smirked at him and she could see a hint of surprise in Eos eyes.


"O-Oh, well good thing I found you here then," he snickered as a small blush spread on his cheeks. Leto couldn't help but grin at him, he was too precious for his own good. The two chatted for a while before another voice interrupted their calm conversation. Out of the shadows of a nearby pillar, a tall and thin figure appeared.


"It's time, Oracle," the Head Priestess said with her usual stern voice. 


"Speak of the spirit..." Leto sighed and patted Eos on the shoulder before taking her leave. The halls grew dimmer as they got closer to the most sacred room at the temple. Leto and the head priestess walked in silence down the bumpy stairs that led down to the almost ancient cavern. Leto looked over at her supervisor, her face gave away no emotion. Leto gulped and hesitated before speaking.


"So, you still haven't told me whom or what I'm foreseeing the plausible future for." At first, she gave no answer and kept walking until she stopped in front of the heavy set of doors to the ceremonial cave. She turned to Leto, making her long raven hair move slightly.


"I am not to give his identity, but he has travelled far to be here. He's a patron of ours and I expect you to treat him as such and not a...friend," she cringed at the last word. Leto resisted the urge to roll her eyes, she had grown accustomed to her superior's cold behaviour and unfriendliness to her and their clients. They usually paid good money for Leto's fortune services and she was adamant to give them a great experience, unlike most oracles who had this whole cheap mysterious thing going for them. 


"Right, I'll try to treat them accordingly."


The head priestess narrowed her eyes at Leto before turning around and opening the wooden doors. The sight of the familiar cavern made Leto feel at ease. It was near impossible to feel anything but cheerful down here, the whole place flooded with positive energy. Stepping in here felt like a hug from one's mother, or for Leto, Dione. Her link to said deity was the strongest here, making it easier to perform her duties. Leto walked up to her little stand crammed with oils and precious stones and what not to enhance certain rituals. On the stool next to everything lay her ceremonial clothing, which wasn't all that much clothing. To be honest, Leto preferred being bare for these sort of things because it made it easier to combine her energy with the surrounding one. Plus, what was the point of wearing any clothes if they only ended up drenched in the end? 


"Dress. He will be here soon." The high priestess muttered and Leto started with taking off her body ornaments before moving on with her regular priest garments. 


"And what exactly is it I am to perform for our patron?" Leto inquired as she started putting on the ceremonial clothing. 


"A prophetic reading, I assume," She answered, her back turned to Leto.


'Oh, great...' Leto thought as she finished the final touches to her ensemble. Every time she performed a prophetic reading she'd always end up with the worst headaches and not only that, she'd had to extract the tiniest things from her hazy dreams and make them out afterwards, which only fuelled her headache. 


And to add on that, recently every time the Great Mother showed her a vision, it felt almost as if she was trying to alert her of something. For every dream, they’d get somewhat darker and frantic. last time Leto she saw her Father with panic in his eyes before her dream got cut short. Leto still couldn’t figure out a reason as to why. Maybe she’d get an answer this time. 


“Greetings.” A voice from behind startled Leto back from her thoughts. She quickly turned to the person. 


“My apologies, I did not mean to frighten you,” the man chuckled lightly. He was wearing a long and dark hooded cloak that covered most of his body. As he stepped closer Leto noticed his long golden like hair and when she saw his eyes she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. She'd never seen eyes like that before. They were a vivid yellow, the same shade as his hair, accompanied with slanted pupils. She lightly shook her head, it was rude to stare she reminded herself. Also, when did the head priestess leave..? 


“No, I should’ve noticed you come in,” Leto put on her most polite smile. “Please, take a seat and tell me what is troubling you.” Leto motioned to the comfortable spread of cushions on the ground. The strange man looked at the water pool with interest before taking a seat. He leaned his head against his hand before speaking.


“Forgive me for asking but isn’t it slightly ironic to have the element of your enemy in this sacred place?”


The man was hinting to her people's longtime rival, Medronia, land of the sea elves which they were currently in war with. 


At this Leto let out a dry chuckle. “I have no quarrel with their Goddess. After all, the earth needs water to create life. Without it, we would be nothing.” 


The man leaned back and put his index finger to his under lip, “I suppose you are right. How come your people don’t serve Eona then?”


“Most of our land is dry earth, the Great Queen of the seas would not have much purpose here.” 


The man said no more on the subject and brought up his purpose of being here instead.


“Recently I’ve been dealing with some quandaries in my...occupation and I have a rather pressing decision to make quite soon. I’m in need of the Great Mother’s guidance, would you be able to help me?” 


Leto looked at him, calculating. Not only did he sound terribly insincere but his energy disturbed the calm currents in the cavern. That was not a good sign. Yet, Leto had to perform the ceremony. It was her responsibility and duty as an Oracle. She looked at him and faked her smile this time.


“I shall do my best to be of help,” Leto said before turning her back on him and walking back to her stool. On it was the prepared potion to put her in her frenzy. Taking up the wooden cup she drained the liquid with care and started to recite an Ancient hymn. With every verse, she felt the all too familiar warmth spreading throughout her body. She continued her chant as she stepped into the glowing pool of water. Already, she could feel herself slip into a trance, the world around her moulding to another. 


Next time she opened her eyes, she was standing in the middle of the town square of Khona, but it wasn't the one she was used to. The streets were eerily quiet and no one was to be seen in the usually bustling district. Leto narrowed her eyes. What was going on? This wasn't like the other dreams she'd been having, they were always full of activity. Suddenly a piercing screaming broke out and without thinking, Leto ran towards it only to fall over something heavy and into something wet and warm.


She lifted herself up and tried shaking off whatever she had fallen in but what she saw made her stop and gasp. Her hands and clothes were covered in a crimson substance. The nauseous metallic stench that filled the air finally reached her nostrils and it made her sick to her stomach. There was no mistaking it, this was blood. Leto tore her head towards the end of her feet. There, a body lay, undeniably Ammerian. Leto scrambled up to her feet and what she saw made her heart almost stop. Throughout the town square were piles of other bodies and their blood ran up and down the streets. Leto covered her mouth as tears pricked her eyes. This was her people, slaughtered. But before she could grasp the situation she felt herself slipping away and her vision slowly faded to darkness.


Leto woke up with an aggressive gasp and she felt how her heart pounded in her chest. Her head was still spinning and she noticed it was hard to breathe evenly. She grasped her chest as the cave roof seemed to swirl with sickly bright colours that hurt her eyes. She needed to get to dry land but her current state made it impossible for her to swim. She closed her eyes and listened to the rush in her ears and her thumping heart but before any wicked thoughts could form a pair of strong arms grabbed her by the arms and dragged her out of the water. Her vision was still blurry but she did recognize the person's scent, peach and freshly washed linen. It was Eos. 


"...eto...Le...Leto!" His voice seemed to have broken the spell because her vision and hearing came back to her and she was greeted with Eos anxious face hovering above hers. 


"Breathe...breathe for me," he gently coaxed as he cradled her in his lap. Slowly but surely Leto regained her breathing and Eos brought her up to his chest and hugged her. Leto buried her head in his neck and felt tears coming on. 


"Praise Dione, I thought I'd lose you there for a second," he whispered against her wet hair. Leto was somewhat still in shock and couldn't respond but Eos knew this because this wasn't the first time this has happened. 


"I don't know what triggered this attack but I don't think this is the right place for you to be in right now," he said with detest before lifting Leto up and making sure she held onto him. "I'm taking you home, away from the temple!" Leto was too weak to argue and let herself be carried away in her friend's arms. Maybe some time away from here would help her with her messy mind.


In all the chaos, Leto hadn't noticed her strange patron slinking out the room…


Later in the evening, after Eos brought Leto to home, she laid in her bed staring out the large windows, trying to make out the mountains in the distance from behind the framework separating her from the outside world. Thinking about it, she hasn't been to the mountains for years. Leto and her family used to take regular trips up there but ever since the war broke out, it wasn't safe anymore, nor did anyone have the time. After the war, she swore she would return and feel the cool mountain air on her skin once again.


"How is my champion holding up?" a familiar deep voice woke her from her daydreaming. Leto turned to the figure and smiled when she saw her father leaning against the doorframe with a loose smile that matched hers. 


"Tired but overall good. Compared to the old days this is nothing," Leto said as she sat up.


"Indeed," her father sighed. He pushed himself off of the wall and walked over to the plush bed Leto laid in and sat down next to her. "I'm glad that chapter of your life is over," he muttered as he placed a strand of hair behind her ear and gently cradled her face with his palm. Leto grasped her father's arm and closed her eyes before murmuring. 


"Trust me, me too." 


As Leto felt the heat radiate from his hand she realized just how little time she actually spent with her father nowadays. She knew that both of them were busy, especially her father with the war going on and all. Yet she couldn't help but feel guilty for not visiting more often. As if reading her mind, her father lifted Leto's chin with his finger and gave her a look of understanding. 


"I'm glad you're home. Now," he paused and stood up, "are you hungry? I made the cook prepare your favourite meal."


At this Leto perked up. She hadn't had her favourite meal, roasted chicken and marinaded cactus. Some would think a princess would have something more elegant as her favourite meal but Leto never liked any of those elaborate meals growing up. After all, her early teens were spent out in the desert and on the battlefield. She grew accustomed to simpler food. Leto loved roasted chicken not only because of the taste but because her mother used to cook it for the family, including Eos.


"You know me too well, father," Leto beamed.


The two of them enjoyed a heartful dinner together before parting for bed, deciding to take a stroll in the gardens in the morning. But as Leto walked back to her room she couldn't help but notice the lack of people. She had yet to see a single servant or guard. Leto's narrowed her eyes as she scanned the hall. Something was seriously wrong here. She turned on her heel and sprinted effortlessly down the quiet halls, her mind filled with plausible explanations for the lack of people in the palace. She made a couple sharp turns before reaching her goal, the royal sparring hall. She had a feeling she would be needing a weapon and soon.


She searched as fast as she could for her set of blades in the weapon storage. It was unseemly for a priestess of Dione to wield any sort of weapon but Leto was an exception. She didn't exactly come from an ordinary background. She found what she was looking for just as she heard footsteps approaching. Leto whirled around, unsheathed her weapon and positioned herself into a fighting stance. As the footsteps got clearer she could hear faint whistling. Then a hooded figure appeared at the opening to the room.


"You've got some nerve breaking into this place, snake."


"Snake? Now is that any way to call a paying customer?" The man said as he dropped his hood, revealing a semi-familiar face. Golden hair and golden eyes accompanied by the trademark slanted pupils. Leto frowned at him as he grinned with amusement. It was the same man from before.


"I knew you were a shady person. What do you want? Money?"


"Keep your gold, I have enough as it is. Besides, " he paused and walked forward, "Judging by the weapons you're wielding you'd happily slit my throat before I got my hands on it."


"Quit babbling and tell me the reason you've broken in on royal grounds," she warned and pointed her sword in his direction. 


"Very well, I'll get right to the point then. I'm here for your dear old King. Orders from above, I'm afraid." The man said as he adjusted his leather gloves.


The panicked eyes of her father and the horrific sight of Leto's people slaughtered came flashing back to her and it dawned on her, could this man be connected to all of that? If she took his life would it prevent it all from happening? Leto had no time to ask for godly advice. She made up her mind. She wasn't going to risk the well-being of her people.


"I'm afraid I can't let you see him," Leto growled at him as she tightened her grip on the hilts.


"Oh? I suppose I have time for a little fight" in a flash the man had unsheathed a heavy sword and was coming right at her and at a surprisingly fast speed. Leto crossed her short blades and prepared for the hard blow. Their swords clashed and a sharp noise echoed throughout the hall. Leto pushed against his brute force, forcing him backwards, before kicking him in his shin. He grunted and lost his stance which gave Leto enough time to make a beeline for the entrance so he couldn't back her up into a wall.


"You're quite feisty, for a priestess," he smirked before coming at Leto again. Leto raised her own weapons, ran and feigned an upper attack. He fell for it, leaving his legs wide open. She aimed for his thigh but he quickly realized his mistake and moved in the nick of time. Leto's blade only managed to graze him, leaving behind a red trail on his skin. The man went for her throat but Leto threw herself away from him, landing on her side. The man's sword came crashing down yet Leto shifted her body, making it sink into the hard earthy ground of the fighting arena.


'That was a little too close' Leto thought before hauling herself off of the ground and wasted no time to throw a hard kick down on his back as he was hulking over his sword, making him fall with an audible 'oof'. He rolled over and grabbed his weapon. 


"You little cunt-! " Leto took the opportunity to kick his exposed face. His head smashed into the ground. She kicked away his heavy sword and stood over him with crossed swords over his throat.


"Submit or die. Your choice. " Leto's stone cold voice rang out in the silence. The man glared up at her with blood oozing from his nose.  


"This is not how I thought this night would go like..." Leto pressed the blades harder into his skin, grazing his gills. They pressed hard enough for him to get the message; this was no time for jokes. 


"Answer me, siren."


"This is so humiliating..." the man sighed and looked into Leto's eyes, unblinking.


"I'll have my associate answer for me."


"What are you playing at, fool? " Leto almost spits, she was tired of his shenanigans.


"You'll know soon enough, dear Oracle."




Out of the blue, a hard blow came crashing down on the side of Leto's head. The last thing she saw before everything went black was her opponent's sickly smirk.

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