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Eos Raman

Eos grew up parentless on the streets of Khona, he had no home, no money and no food, save for what he could find or steal. He lived in a fight or die world for a long time. He learned how to survive on the bare minimum and got used to being on his own. When he reaches his teen years, an officer witnessed Eos stealing from a fruit stand and was impressed with his effortless running. Instead of arresting him she offered him a chance to improve himself in the army. Seeing no other way out, he enlisted in the army training program for the youth. There he honed the art of weaponry and built his body fit as a warrior. Eos was considered the best in his regime but he was never keen on fighting, he had come to detest it during his years on the streets. He had planned to leave the army and become something more peaceful. That was until Madronia struck the city and Ammeris plummet themself into a long-lasting war with the sea nation. He was sent out in the front lines and was forced to kill mercilessly. For a long time, Eos repressed his feelings and followed orders like a good soldier but then he met someone, someone who would come to turn his life around once again. She was a high ranking warrior, this surprised Eos because she was younger than himself, yet she commanded respect from everyone around her. Commander Farnah, they called her. She would come to be Eos closest friend. 


After the downfall of the much-beloved Queen Niss, Eos saw a change in his friend. She was torn between fighting and following the path the goddess has designed for her. Eos knew she had repressed feelings of her own but she didn’t dare speak about it until now. She confessed everything to him, that the Mother Goddess had been speaking to her for as long as she could remember, granting her visions. Now that the King refused to let her fight she turned to the path of light and Eos decided to follow with her. He grew content with his life, praying and living away from the carnage of war. This was bliss for him. But is this really enough? Or is there something more waiting for him out in the world?

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